What is science? It’s the study of elements around us utilizing the available tools. Science evolves with the advent of new technology. Science isn’t a being that’s in conflict with a higher power but rather it’s our understanding of what we try to focus given existing theories. Science would keep keep developing with every given step. Newtonian theory became the base of newer technologies but can we base todays technology on what newton saw? Absolutely not.
Faith and believe in a God in no way conflicts with science. There’s a God and He created everything and man strives to understand it with time. The clergy is another ball game altogether, they seem to have a monopoly on God and they’re as good of a charlatan as Elizebeth Holmes had been for science. She did fool the oracle of Omaha as well didn’t she?
Umair Haque is a prophet of doom. I wonder where he lives? He’s originally from Pakistan so he might be there but that country is already breaking apart then he must already be in a bunker in Newzeland.
The Universe / God as I would like to say has a way of correcting things so let’s not freak out.