This isn’t the war of Israel; this is the US and UK imperial program using the Israelis to do their dirty work. The same is going on across the Middle East and if it were up to the US, they’d still be there in Vietnam but there’s a formidable foe in the shape of China and Russia so the brave leader of the world decided to leave before someone crushed its guts out. Now using dumb and smart bombs it lets others do the dirty work. This hoopla regarding holy and promised land for the Jewish people, especially coming from the mouthpiece of atheist Zionists is more than funny. God’s promised land but Mr Netanyahu and Co you don’t even believe in a God so who are you trying to fool.
Americans are self immolating themselves but then again these are petty small people and nothing would stop the US to continue its imperialistic projects together with its decaying testicles, UK and France. But the project can only go on across weaklings like Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and yet they got butt kicked by a nobody stone carvers in Afghanistan.
Keep going on, there used to be a Roman Empire once upon a time as well.