William Dalrymple’s “Anarchy” is an intriguing read. The book is about the catastrophic adventures of the East India Company in India and how it ended up devastating the culture, economy, and even the social fabric of a once vibrant nation that during its peak controlled 25% of the global economy. I am not sure whether it had been by design or a deliberate attempt by the author, as the book projected a fertile ground for a takeover by anyone with a speck common sense to capture a country that had been dogged by civil strife, palace intrigues, and bloodletting among ruling dynasties to an amount of calling the British and the French for help from different quarters.
One character that stood out for me had been Shah Alam II of the Mughal Empire who was able to reclaim the throne of Delhi after it had been laid waste by the Afghan’s a few decades ago. After wandering for years and then hailing supporters across Hindustan, he was able to get his rightful position; all set and placed in comfort, his priority had been to capture and consolidate the lands surrounding his empire. For this he selected an able and trusted General by the name of Mirza Najaf Khan, a man of immaculate character and loyalty, Najaf Khan spent most of his time fighting the foes of Mughal empire and stayed at the battlefield leading his troops. While the King, now relaxed and rested, got into the routine of basically what the Kings do, partying and getting surrounded by sycophants.
Shah Alam II also avoided going on military excursions leaving the task to his Generals; this had been strange for someone who had been on the run most his life. He now felt that he had accomplished what he had started to do and this, in turn, turned out to be a fatal mistake for him.
Soon the courtiers and viziers started a gossip mill against Najaf Khan spilling venom against his successes. They were jealous and in awe of the General and saw his presence as a threat to their future ascension to power. Najaf Khan did receive regular reports of the Court and was repeatedly warned in addition to receiving a cold shoulder from the Ruler, but he shrugged it off.
Eventually, the sly snakes got their relatives and friends placed at top positions, got Najaf Khan removed and the rest is history.
Having worked for several entrepreneurs as a consultant during my days, I can see a clear parallel between the kings of the fore and their courtiers. Able managers in the field are being avoided and at times whole organizations crumbling because of the owners giving too much time to the wrong advisors.
Here are some key observations and mind you, I have worked across nationalities so this is not a case focused on certain people; power brings in the same virus of egocentric behaviors across the board.
- A New Dawn every day for the Royal Highness: You never know the side of the bed your Seth had risen in the morning. Your whole planning and strategy that you had been working on for months could be thrown off the window. This could have been a brain wave, an argument with his spouse, dinner with a friend who isn’t related to your business at all and wants to fart his way to glory by blabbering about everything under the sun; this friend tells the Seth that your strategy is a recipe for a glorious disaster that would turn the business to digested bullshit. Seth arrives and wipes everything and asks you to start anew on the project. He might also yell at everyone coming in his path throwing the wisest in the office off guard, make sure you avoid all contact and stay away from his sight during these outbursts or you might become part of the collateral damage that would spoil many of your otherwise normal days.
- Rodeo: You are riding a wild bull throughout your career, this is an unbeatable beast that has been created to throw you off guard whenever you think that you are in control. This Seth had inherited or worked hard for his money, he might never have attended college and would use your fancy MBA for toilet paper right in front of your eyes every time you try to sound smarter than him. Beware of the flippers and mood swings and watch the sensitive buttons as well that are easily pushed. The dude is successful and you are working for him, he does not need your advice unless he seeks it so do not distribute free suggestions. At no point should you feel independent as you would soon be shown your place with complete humiliation?
- Work 20%: Watch your back 80%: Keep your eyes open for the “Seasonal Fruit”, this is the dude or dudess who’s in favor at the moment. This is the person whose suggestions and feedback would reflect on Seth’s mood; you have to make sure that you keep an eye on the development and your immediate situation would be directly proportional to your relationship with this creature. If you are not equipped by nature to kiss up and tell the boss that the shade of his socks are a true reflection of his taste for food and whatever else, you are already doomed. Know that Seth is madly in love with himself and he needs constant reinforcement, if you do not have the tools then compensate it with over-the-top performance or else. Your colleagues are there to stab you at the slightest pretext, not because they hate you but because they need to divert Seth’s attention and you might be the closest thing so watch out.
- Stress: Place this word as your middle name, have you ever heard of the fish that lives at the depths of oceans, they are so used to pressure that they literally blow up if they come to the surface, an area of low pressure. You would be in the same situation soon, not to worry. Even during vacations, you would be worried about your fate and would communicate with your allies for regular updates about the situation of the battlefield. You might also get a funny message from Seth asking how your vacation is going on, the subliminal message is for you to keep checking things at work. Try meditation, Yoga, Kickboxing, Jumping off the bridge (NOT); all these things might come in handy.
- It's never enough: Never think that closing your target and getting the job done would get you a pat on the back, what you usually get on the back is a kick. Keep praying for the longevity of work as you have also decided to make this your tombstone and get on to the next project. You would regularly be informed that you are already overpaid and that Seth can hire three people for your salary with a better performance.
- Don’t get too far for too long: Stay in the radar, you don’t want to disappear as the “Palace Intrigues” might chase you out of the company. If you have to go off on a project then make sure that you send funny memes to the boss and keep updating him that you are still alive. Also, ensure that your apparent replacement does not get too close to Seth, better you take him along as he is your most likely replacement.
I have been there and seen it all, having worked both at Corporates and with Entrepreneurs, I have seen a chasm in reality. For most entrepreneurs, people are disposable, while corporates value individuals.
Learning, there is no learning for Seth, he is too far in love with himself.
Have Fun and do share your comments.
Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.