A well balanced article being read from the Middle East. This is the region that’s been a battle ground for a proxy war between the US, it’s European clients VS China / Russia partnership. The game is still being played in Syria while we speak.
The other world, i.e. the non non international community as the western media media would like to refer to everyone other than US, Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Australia and Israel has been skeptical about the hegemony and the sanction regime of the current so called global leader and its runners like the UN.
An alignment of a global scale has already begun and some countries like India are going to be in a very difficult position to take sides. It’s in a neighborhood where the 2 giants reside while it’s under pressure from the US to do its bidding. Bribes in terms of shifting production facilities for the likes of Apple have already started.
We are already living in interesting times and again as observers we are waiting for the mighty US to make its move against the open violation of China to have embraced a war criminal wanted by American courts, sorry the ICC; same thing.
Waiting and watching. Umair Haque is great but reading too much of him would take one to very dark places. Hope he starts writing some positive stuff as well.